Tikumu Consulting

Extended DISC Psychometric Profiling Workshop

This workshop is a transformative journey into understanding and maximising your behavioural potential using the Extended DISC® profiling system. Designed to unlock the intricacies of human behaviour, the workshop goes beyond traditional personality assessments to provide deep insights into participants’ unique behavioural styles.

Led by a certified practitioner and master trainer, this program blends theory and practical applications, fostering self-awareness and interpersonal understanding.

Workshop Objectives

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Extended DISC® system and its applications.
  • Identify individual behavioural styles, including strengths, motivators, and areas for development.
  • Enhance communication and interpersonal skills by understanding personal preferences and adapting to others.
  • Learn strategies to improve teamwork and organizational performance.
  • Apply insights to key areas such as leadership, recruiting, coaching, and customer service.


  • Why EDISC® and background
  • Understanding key styles - DISC®
  • Intraversion vs Extraversion
  • Facts/task based vs People and feelings based
  • Profile reading and explanation
  • Motivators and demotivators
  • Strengths and areas for improvement under pressure.
  • Perceptions of others and team behaviors.
  • Goal orientation, time management, and leadership characteristics.
  • Stress factors and stress management techniques.

Workshop Mechanics

Format: The workshop combines individual profiling, debriefing sessions, and group development activities.

Delivery Options -

Option A:

  • Complete an Extended DISC® profile.
  • 1-to-1 individual debriefing session (45-60 minutes).
  • Total assessment time: 10 minutes for the questionnaire.

Option B:

  • Extended DISC® profile with individual debriefing sessions.
  • Group team development workshop (3-6 hours, depending on team needs).

Option C:

  • Extended DISC® profile without individual debriefing.
  • Group team development workshop (6 hours, split over two days).

Find out more about this course