Tikumu Consulting


Bullying or wearing blinkers?

November 03, 2017

If you were in New Zealand in the 80s then you may recall the “unfortunate experiment” which cast a very dark shadow over the National Women’s Hospital at that time. Last week I attended an in...

Two common questions I get asked as a coach

September 15, 2017

When people ask me what I do for a living, I often get one of three reactions from them after I tell them I am a professional coach. They either glaze over and have no idea what coaching is; or the...

Is work-life balance achievable?

September 01, 2017

Last weekend was a productive one for me, decluttering my kitchen cupboards. In our home we are avid followers of Marie Kondo’s philosophy of “If it doesn’t bring you joy, get rid of it.” Whilst de...


August 18, 2017

There was once an alcoholic man who had two sons. When the sons grew up, one become an alcoholic just like his father and the other became a teetotaller. When the sons were asked why they had chose...

Stress, a love-hate relationship

August 11, 2017

“I’m just stressed, I’ll be fine” is a comment I hear all too often. I’ll even admit saying it myself from time to time. According to a recent survey completed by Business New Zealand and Southern...

10 truths I have learnt from being a coach

July 27, 2017

Recently I spoke at a business function. My brief was to talk about coaching and how being coached can open up opportunities for you. What an awesome brief, as I am usually asked to speak about mor...

What I learned from attending a TEDx Event

May 13, 2016

I am a TED freak. You could go as far as calling me a TED groupie. I love the concept of sharing great ideas and being exposed to amazing people, great thinkers and industry pioneers. Recently...