Tikumu Consulting


Successful businesses are flexible businesses

February 16, 2017

Many people can think ahead three, five or maybe even ten years, and talk about what they hope their life will look like at that point. Some will also have a specific business or per...

3 Coaching myths, busted!

November 04, 2016

Over the years I have heard some rather interesting interpretations of what some people think coaching is and who would require the services of a coach. My favourite one is, “You only need a coach ...

Begin with the end in mind

June 10, 2016

Begin with the end in mind – One of my favourite habits from Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. At the beginning of any goal-setting process it is suggested to start with...

Less is more

April 14, 2016

“I wish there were more hours in the day!” I’ve heard this expression too many times before and sadly even from my own mouth. “ If I just had a few more hours, I could complete so much more!”.&nbs...

The dirty little secret of goal setting

February 16, 2016

The need for instant gratification, I believe has become our worst enemy in the goal setting department. Consciously or subconsciously,  we tend to expect for change to take place overnig...

Taking control of your internal saboteur

March 16, 2015

Sometimes when we embark on something new in our lives, such as a new career, moving cities or working towards a promotion, a little voice appears inside our heads, which can be extremely...