Tikumu Consulting


How committed are you to your business?

August 13, 2020

I’ve been around the business block for a while and I’ve seen business owners come and go. I’ve seen businesses succeed and I’ve seen businesses fold. There are many reasons for success and failure...

What is your tipping point for change?

July 31, 2019

Meet Bob. Bob has an unhealthy, stressful life and lifestyle. He don’t eat properly, he drinks too much, he smokes, doesn’t exercise and doesn’t get enough sleep at night. He has a high pressured j...

Benefits of networking

November 30, 2017

I was at a networking dinner the other evening and seated next to me was a young lady fresh out of university. Half way through the evening she asked me a really interesting question. “What are the...

Two common questions I get asked as a coach

September 15, 2017

When people ask me what I do for a living, I often get one of three reactions from them after I tell them I am a professional coach. They either glaze over and have no idea what coaching is; or the...

How strong is your support network?

June 22, 2017

I met a young lady the other day, let’s call her Sue. She had made the bold decision to make a major change in her life. Sue had decided to start her own business. An exciting adventure with so man...


June 18, 2015

They say that human beings are creatures of habit.  Whether we are content or dissatisfied with our current situation, we generally stick with the status quo. It takes a huge amount of ef...

Are you preventing yourself from succeeding?

May 05, 2015

We have the capacity to dream big and create amazing worlds in our minds, where we are happy, successful and life is wonderful! So why do these amazing dreams remain just dreams for some of us? One...