Tikumu Consulting


How good was your year?

December 22, 2015

A common practise for many of us at this time of the year is to reflect on the year’s past achievements, wins and challenges, and then to set goals and plan for the year ahead. An unfort...

How much do you invest in your business?

December 13, 2015

When I think business, I think people. Why? Well in order to have a business or even a successful business it first needs people to add value, before value can be provided to  clients.  W...

Why your business needs coaching

December 03, 2015

I was chatting with a lady the other day and she told me flat out, “We don’t do coaching in our business”. Unfortunately this view reflects many businesses out there, that (for a number o...

Carpets or spider’s webs?

November 23, 2015

Why is it so common that people don’t prepare themselves for the worst? They would rather brush the idea of their life, goals or projects going wrong under the carpet and think ...

Are your tasks rocks, stones or sand?

November 12, 2015

Many of us are faced with having far too many tasks on our to-do lists. To combat this feeling we either launch ourselves into overdrive and start chasing our tails to get everything done or w...